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Yoga & Meditation

Being strong in yoga is not about the powerful handstand or deepest arm balance, nor is it a competition where we go against each other. We believe that yoga and meditative practise are no longer a luxury of people who have some extra time in their day or belong to a certain socioeconomic class. Instead yoga is a daily ritual where we tune in to our spiritual centre and experience the peace within.

Our Ethos

We see yoga as way more than just a workout. It's a way of life that's been founded on the ethical precepts of truth, non-violence and love. It's a lifelong deeply progressive practise, which has been passed down from teacher to student for thousands of years.

Yoga is set of tools developed and refined over millenniums that maximises the body systems and the space-time continuum of the world around us, meaning our experience of reality, to create the most immense results in all areas of life.

​We all need to hone skills such as asana; meditation; somatic movement; mantra and pranayama, to guide us back to what really matters: stillness; compassion; steadiness and peace.

Class schedule

Monday | 8am Kundalini Yoga
6pm Vinyasa | Jennifer

Tuesday | 6pm Kundalini | Jennifer

Wednesday | 8am Morning Flow
6pm Hatha | Jennifer

Thursday | 7pm Meditation | Marcus

Friday | 8am Morning Flow,
6pm Yin Yoga | Jennifer

Price: 12 per drop in, 65 for a month unlimited.
Booking and prepaying is necessary.
Contact Jennifer +35796025001.
Which class is for me?

Vinyasa flow is a style of yoga that involves smoothly transitioning between different yoga poses while coordinating your movements with your breath. It’s like a fluid and graceful yoga sequence. This practice helps you become more flexible and physically stronger while also calming your mind and reducing stress.

Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that involves chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses. Its purpose is to activate your Kundalini energy, or shakti - a spiritual energy that’s located at the base of your spine. As Kundalini yoga awakens this energy, it enhances your awareness and helps you to reach your infinite divinity.

Hatha yoga is about finding balance. Through working with the physical body, releasing tension and trauma stored in the body, you create space in yourself and, through that space and balance, the opportunity for spiritual growth. In Sanskrit, “Ha” represents sun and “tha” represents moon. This alludes to the opposites in our lives, such as yin and yang, light and darkness, hard and soft, vigorous and gentle. Our hatha yoga class involves a set of asanas (yoga poses) and breathing techniques, practised more slowly and with more static posture holds than our vinyasa.

Meditation classes are based around developing your consciousness and to create a state of unconditional love. You will be guided on a journey through the chakras and different energy bodies in order to access the unconscious and subconscious minds. Kriya yoga is a big part of these classes.

Yin yoga is slow-paced style of yoga, incorporating principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with asanas that are held for longer periods of time than in other yoga styles. We stay in one asana for five minutes or more. It helps promote balance within your body by working the deep connective tissues.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

"As a complete novice I was sceptical at first, but Jennifer made me feel really comfortable and welcome. Her passion for teaching yoga is undeniable. A very nicely laid out studio with a relaxing feel. I would recommend anyone thinking about getting into yoga to give Soul Elements and Jennifer a shot. Will definitely be returning for more session" - Chris G

"Wow is the only word I can really use to describe kundalini yoga with Jennifer. It was my first experience with it, and I have never felt more peace I think in life life. Thank you! All I can say is get to a class!" Claire


"I've always struggled with meditation, my mind can't stay still so I felt apprehensive about joining a class. Marcus was the best teacher! He guided us through a kriya yoga practise which was so much more than I could have ever expected. Had serious breakthroughs. Thanks Marcus, see you next week." Andreas. M